How is everyone the SAME these days??

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How is everyone the SAME these days??

Postby naturelover24 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:52 pm

obviously society is really messed up, seeing that they try, and have succeeded, in making almost every human being almost exactly the same, with the same goals, by the time they are 20. we all grow up with big dreams and passions, but they all end up going away and becoming the same, to get a high paying job and a hot wife to show off the the rest of the world. what happened to heart? every human is unique, no two are alike, yet thanks to the media and societal pressures, we all become the same. like sons who work at their dads business, where is the life in that?? do what you love, forget what the rest of the world is doing..

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Re: How is everyone the SAME these days??

Postby nameless » Sun Mar 06, 2011 3:40 pm

You are absolutely correct my friend.
For instance, take any of my friends, though they all set for different careers, they all study different classes, Their intentions are the same.. To show off. Oh my god, they all are acting as if like life is a fucking beauty contest... None of them have a passion and none of them dare to live.... And I'm like in an island, where i don't belong.

Lao Tzu
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Re: How is everyone the SAME these days??

Postby Lao Tzu » Fri May 20, 2011 9:10 am

Not everyone is the same these days, my young friend, naturelover24.

There are many people who are choosing different paths than the road to materialistic gain.

Seek them, and you shall find them. They live upon the margins, overlooked by most. But they are there, living as they please and forging their own trails.

There are more who go their own way than you may believe.

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Re: How is everyone the SAME these days??

Postby JesusIsLove777 » Mon May 23, 2011 7:40 pm

oh i know Lao Tzu, but the majority of people in society live selifish, materialistic lives. they live ONLY for their gain, not to help and serve others, not to live in love, not to live passionately, regardless of money or possessions or any selfish motive. using your passions to help those around you... living out your wildest dreams you possessed when you were a child.

so many lose touch with who they really are, as they get older they focus more on what people think of then, but they forget that the only thing that matters is staying true to who you were AS A CHILD... with that childlike sense of love, exploration and uniqueness, not caring what everybody thought, but living in the moment and being YOU. being full of love and joy

Lao Tzu
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Re: How is everyone the SAME these days??

Postby Lao Tzu » Wed May 25, 2011 10:02 am

oh i know Lao Tzu, but the majority of people in society live selifish, materialistic lives. they live ONLY for their gain, not to help and serve others, not to live in love, not to live passionately, regardless of money or possessions or any selfish motive. using your passions to help those around you... living out your wildest dreams you possessed when you were a child.

Not all of our wildest dreams are concieved when we are children.

For many people, their dreams are never allowed to coalesce into a coherent goal because from birth they are bombarded with notions that materialistic wealth is to be valued and strived for on Earth. They are indoctrinated that, in this life, only tangible goods are a measure of one's success. Selfishness and material gain are praised. Meanwhile, spirituality, personal growth, and passion are intangibles for most people and are considered meaningless as yardsticks to measure achievement in this worldly realm. As a result, they are discouraged, and often ridiculed.

Some people, only after having come to the hard-fought for realisation that materialism does not bring them happiness, turn toward seeking inner personal growth and begin to allow their wildest dreams and passions to form and take root.

"Only it takes time to be happy. A lot of time. Happiness, too, is a long patience. And in almost every case, we use up our lives making money, when we should be using our money to gain time." Albert Camus.

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Re: How is everyone the SAME these days??

Postby JesusIsLove777 » Wed May 25, 2011 2:03 pm

yeah thats true, i guess i should've reworded it better. but yeah i guess i'd rather say to try and retain that childlike sense of carefree love, and just sheer kindness; no selfishness, no living off others misfortunes. kids are so kind and such a light to this world. they love the simple things, as we get older it is important that we retain that love and simplicity that children have.

as we get older, and like myself (im 21), develop certain passions as he gets older, i have expressed them in a childlike, carefree, loving way, most of the time haha :)

Lao Tzu
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Re: How is everyone the SAME these days??

Postby Lao Tzu » Wed May 25, 2011 9:15 pm

JesusIsLove777 wrote:as we get older, and like myself (im 21), develop certain passions as he gets older, i have expressed them in a childlike, carefree, loving way, most of the time haha :)

You just made me experience a feeling I have not had before; You made me feel terribly old.

I've lived my own way for so long, without letting the judgement or expectations of others cloud my own perception of myself, that I haven't given my age a thought for years.

Some advice, if I may?

It comes from the Writer Louis L'Amour. When he was young he was hired over two men older than himself for a job because they were considered too old to do the work. He learned from that experience to never tell his age. He once said: "I conscientiously object to anyone telling his age, you can't judge people by age."

People discriminate against others, whether they are considered to be too old or too young, failing to recognise that a person's chronological age has nothing to do with their abilities, knowledge, or wisdom.

Never tell anyone your age, son.

After all, we all are truly ageless.

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Re: How is everyone the SAME these days??

Postby pezar » Sun May 29, 2011 12:01 am

My prom date (1993) keeps sending me weird messages on Classmates. I haven't given her a single thought since she dumped me in 1996-because she was pregnant with another man's baby. She apparently dumped the kid, and eventually married her soulmate. I read some of her blogs, and came to the conclusion that she's been bitten by the Materialism Bug. She came from an impoverished, single parent home. She wasn't like this when we were young. I have come to the conclusion that she wishes to take every bf she's ever had and rub their noses in her perfect husband and perfect job in a wealthy exurb of Phoenix. Well, I simply don't give a damn. I am working on stomping that Classmates profile. I joined because I wanted to know if there would be a reunion. Nope. Well, this woman insists on picking open long closed wounds everywhere she goes, so I've had it. I'm not joining ANY social networking site ever again. There is good and bad connectivity. Connections with nature, or true friends, those are worth it. Money and tragedy will show you who is really your friend. Me, I'm sticking to nature, since true friends seem to be few.

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Re: How is everyone the SAME these days??

Postby marcym » Mon May 30, 2011 4:32 pm

naturelover24 wrote:obviously society is really messed up, seeing that they try, and have succeeded, in making almost every human being almost exactly the same, with the same goals, by the time they are 20. we all grow up with big dreams and passions, but they all end up going away and becoming the same, to get a high paying job and a hot wife to show off the the rest of the world. what happened to heart? every human is unique, no two are alike, yet thanks to the media and societal pressures, we all become the same. like sons who work at their dads business, where is the life in that?? do what you love, forget what the rest of the world is doing..

I agree with you, if we think ... is a huge limitation: each person has his own dreams, but the society influence us so much that we convince ourselves that we want the same things.
In reality we are freer to some poor people, if I think of Syria, I feel bad ... but we are not truly free.
I believe that freedom is the most dreamed, more expensive, more difficult, a conquest against the current, against society, against the powerful.
The person who is able to free himself often suffers a lot, because the people don’t understand, marginalises who don't think like them, only who is really strong continues to live in peace with itself.
It is very sad, but so goes the world.
I admire Chris because he was not afraid ... perhaps he sometimes was scared, but he knew that freedom has a very high price, and he fought until the end, unfortunately he had to pay the maximum price. Perhaps too.
In my opinion we can liberate ourselves but we have to look in depth because not all people can tolerate the weight to be individualists and rebels to chase their dreams. Nobody can prevent us to free ourselves from our "chains", the real limits are within us and they imprison our heart. For to be really free, we must change our mode of live, of think, ours priority.


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