The Vagabond Lifestyle...

Here you can comment on the book 'Into The Wild' or any other book related to the story.
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Re: The Vagabond Lifestyle...

Postby GoNorth » Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:24 am

airyk wrote: I do one year of work then 1 year of vagabond exploration. My career is going well

Sounds good. Can you tell us more about the kind of work you do?

flow for days
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Re: The Vagabond Lifestyle...

Postby flow for days » Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:41 pm

I believe that we should follow our hearts in everything we do, but consider how it will effect the people close to us when making our decisions. Nobody wants to be in a cubicle for 40 years. At the same time I do not believe that most people would just take off into the wild without keeping contact with the rest of the world, and the ones they love. Chris was trying to find himself, and I believe that he knew what he wanted with the rest of his life. Had he not died it would have been unfit for him to continue doing what he was for the rest of his life. He couldn't leave his direct family wondering as to his whereabouts for the rest of his life. I believe we can all follow our hears within reason, and should find a balance. After the 40 years of hard work in a cubicle, it would pay off and you would cherish the next 20 years you shared with the ones that were closest to your heart.

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Re: The Vagabond Lifestyle...

Postby muffinman127 » Fri Dec 21, 2012 6:39 pm

Re: The Vagabond Lifestyle...

I wouldnt want to live the "vagabond lifestyle" my whole life, but maybe down the path of life i will have the urge to leave society. Although, it would be hard for me to leave family, friends and the safety of society. I like waking up and knowing there will be enough food to feed my hunger, clean water to quench my thirst and a warm bed to crawl back into at the end of the day. I would also go into the wild much more prepared then McCandless, with a small dragon fly stove, lighters, matches, extra food rations, boots, warm clothing and maybe a tent, atleast a therma rest and a tarp. I think i would venture into northern canada, hitch hike until i meet the hudson bay and head out west. Maybe my journey would end when i reach hudson bay. Or, maybe it will stop in Vancouver/yukon, or it could very well go on forever.

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Re: The Vagabond Lifestyle...

Postby David95 » Fri Dec 21, 2012 7:23 pm

I think the vagabond lifestyle is very cool way to live your life how I wish I could do that although in Canada I don't think it would be as much fun as it would be in the states just because the states has so more much to do and also I can barely go an hour without eating let alone a couple days. it would be hard to cut my emotional ties too so I mean it comes down to if i would have a reason to leave and live that lifestyle

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