Chris: A PMI

General discussions relating to the story.
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Chris: A PMI

Postby hmcdonald » Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:05 am

There are many upsides and downsides to what Chris did and his journey into the wilds. So, lets have a look at those things before deciding what kind of person he was.

Posotives: Chris obviously had an ambition, and respect him for that. There must be thousands of people like Chris with the ideaology that one can simply give up everything that life takes from us. It took someone with his mentality to do something about it and put his plan into action. This is why Chris has become what he has become.

Negatives: While I do respect him, I also have to question his very motives. His parents worked so hard on getting their family to where it was and for Chris to throw it away (figuratively) must have been a big blow. Also, what on earth gave him the idea that simply walking into the wild was premis of a healthy enterprise. Surely he must know that there were serious risks involved.

Interesting: Once compiling the two point of views, one can now see why he has become such a sensation. "To have everything, but to throw it away because he did not want it" could sum up his motives. I admire Chris for his ambition, yet I question his motives.

I'll leave it there....

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