The Holy Economy

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The Holy Economy

Postby bones » Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:59 am

Politicians in America talk about the economy like its some sacred thing that must be protected at all costs. They encourage us to spend our money, as if by doing that we are contributing to the greater good. But our economic system is based around profit, not progress. Profit is created by supply and demand. There is more immediate value in making Big Macs than trying to find a solution for famine in Africa. A farmer who uses toxic chemicals will make more money than an organic farmer. A company that uses 3rd world sweatshops to make its products can sell them for a higher profit. People who do whatever it takes to make the most money are rewarded.

There are some good things about capitalism. Competition to produce the best product will advance technology and the quality of life of society. But the problem is that for most wealthy businesses and bankers the only motivation is profit. If they don't have to innovate, they wont. Think of how Apple makes a new iPhone every year, which is basically the same as the last one, yet millions of people still buy it. It's safe for a company to not progress if people continue to give them money.

So to some extent, we "consumers" have power over the "producers." We don't have to buy iPhones. But huge corporations basically control our lives. We are born into the system that they control, and it seems impossible to try to change things because most people seem content to live this way. The mainstream idea that "success" is getting a good paying job and putting your life into the system is turning us into a colony of mindless worker bees.

How do you feel about the American economic system :?:

Reading this about a year after I posted it. There needs to be some kind of cultural revolution, or else we will be doomed. I feel like it could happen easily though. The problems arent very complicated, its just hard to make people understand them and start taking action. Everyone has some false ideas in their head that make it hard to see the truth.
Last edited by bones on Tue Apr 15, 2014 3:33 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The Holy Economy

Postby fredmerlin » Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:16 pm

I cannot be sure what drives whom. I can see in my modest 'world' that most people just want MORE, I don't know why. Sometimes I think I want something. I don't really need it. When the thought process goes through my head, 'I don't REALLY NEED that', I usually don't purchase it. The decision elates me and makes me proud of the end action. The restaurant scene in the ITW movie, at the very beginning when Chris turns down his parents offer of a new car always gets me. Most people think 'Wow! A new car! YES!' The minority of people, I feel, have his reaction. MORE people should. But most people just want MORE...short-lived happiness. Everyone has free will. I think that moderation is key, and needs to be taught, whether at home or in school. Or, preferably, both. The people at the 'top'? Well, we have to ask ourselves, 'At the top of what...?' They THINK they're at the 'top', but as history shows, over and over again, 'the last shall be first, and the first shall be last.' We just have to 'meekly' go about our happy lives and be examples (if you will) for the 'drooling zombies'. I doubt they'll ever take note, however, but who cares? They're running a race they cannot 'win'.

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Re: The Holy Economy

Postby bones » Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:23 pm

I cannot be sure what drives whom. I can see in my modest 'world' that most people just want MORE, I don't know why.

I think people who excessively want material things dont really know what they want in life. And if they dont seriously question what they want in life, they will be confused, so in their confusion they buy things to try to fill the hole in their lives that they may not even know is there.

If someone wants a new car even though they have one that works fine, then they are probably not seriously questioning why they want it. Like you said, the probably dont really need it or even want it, but they think they do.

Its basically an easy "solution" that will never really solve the problem.

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Re: The Holy Economy

Postby bones » Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:59 am

It may seem confusing why I posted this here. I was just kind of ranting about what I see in society. But I also wanted to know people's thoughts on how our society works and how they fit into it.

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Re: The Holy Economy

Postby Wbhsbyang » Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:34 pm

It's true that people in America are increasingly wanting more money. Money is just a tool to get what you want. It is not bad to have money if you are using it for good. Recent research seems to indicate that the rich are less adept at reading others' emotions in comparison with uneducated and poor people. Despite our almost slave-like acts to the idea that increased wealth will increase our well-being, there is little evidence to support that belief. Money is a system of power and the more our lives depend on money, the greater we obey to those who creates and distribute the money.

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Re: The Holy Economy

Postby bones » Tue Apr 15, 2014 3:32 am

Wbhsbyang wrote:Recent research seems to indicate that the rich are less adept at reading others' emotions in comparison with uneducated and poor people.

This is probably true. But I think most people, if they think about it at a young age, can become less selfish and start to change their views on society. I know Into the Wild did that for a lot of people.

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