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Should I Go??

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:13 pm
by thatonegirl123
So, lately i have been insanely OBSESSED with Chris. I've read the book over 8 times... watched the movie over 20 times, read all the info i could find about him, and the idea of doing what he did... is all i ever think about. I have never been more inspired to do something like this in my life. I feel as though if i do leave, i wont leave much behind. Yeah i have a family and i love them more than life itself... but thats it. No job, no school, no boyfriend, no social life. I think i need to get out of here. Get away from what people are attached to. Meet new people, discover new places and things. Become one with the earth. But here comes the part i'm struggling to overcome: I am female... so even if i am strong enough... i LOOK weak to other people. I've never even camped out by myself... and... im only 21 years old. Old enough (compared to when Chris went)... but i still dont think i've learned everything i could. BUT... i am very free spirited, love LOVE the out doors, friendly, would rather be alone then with another, ;) okay with getting dirty, and not afraid of much at all. Let me know if you believe in me and if you have any advice. I'm so obsessed with going on this adventure. PLEASE help me out. Thank you. =)Hannah.

Re: Should I Go??

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:58 pm
by Wedelen64
I would say get some education before you go. Learn "earth skills" or "survival skills" such as how to make fire with out a lighter or matches. Learn how to make an outdoor improvised shelter. Skills like this. Will you need these skills? Possibly, but to have them will give you the confidence that you can survive on your own. I don't reccomend you going on the road alone, but if you have survival skills you will only have to depend on yourself when the chips are down. You can go on youtube and find thousands of videos to help with these skills. The key, though, is practicing these skills by going camping in a safe place/environment. this way you get used to staying outdoors plus you are practicing the skills that may help you. Fear is your biggest obstacle. You will need to learn to deal with fear. Loneliness can also be an obstacle. I practice meditation so if I get scared or lonely I meditate and this skill minimizes the fear or loneliness because your mind is focused on breathing and not thinking about your emotions. It gets deeper but this is basic. If meditation is not your thing then find a way to deal with negative emotions on the road as they will cause you the most problems.

Re: Should I Go??

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:26 pm
by HeffalumpHunter
I believe in you sista!

Just be smart and I hope you have a great experience. Just transcend all your material wants, except for food...

Re: Should I Go??

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:03 am
by airyk
Go, any trip starts with the first step. You can learn while you explore the world. But dont drop everything day one. Go slowly, learn as you go, buy food at first and slowly use less and less. I'm a world traveler and when I started years ago I was spending 20$ a day, over time it dropped to 10, 5, and now I often go weeks at a time without ever spending any money, living only on what I can find, ect. Enjoy your exploration.