why the magic bus?

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why the magic bus?

Postby 1098920 » Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:37 pm

Chris’s goal was to go live into the wild, yet he decided to live in a bus. Isn’t that a contradiction?

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Re: why the magic bus?

Postby nickparis » Fri Nov 23, 2012 1:29 pm

If you ever have the opportunity to go and visit the bus, you would realise just how wild it really is!

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Re: why the magic bus?

Postby morghanchiesa1 » Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:28 pm

I agree, the bus most certainly was wild. we live in houses with heat, air conditioning, beds, showers, bathrooms, doors, windows and kitchens. he lived in a bus, with no windows, no HEAT, no shower, let alone anything to use in the shower, and barely any food, seeing as he spent his time trying to find food for him to surivive off of. we would all struggle living in a habitat like that, unless you are someone who is very confident, like Chris. he didn't even have a regular bed to sleep in, that mustve been miserable, i know how cranky i get without a goods night sleep. he spent all his time just looking for ways to survive out there, and he was successful for a majority of the time, until he passed away, not because of living hazards, but because of the risky plants he was eating.

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Re: why the magic bus?

Postby jimbo » Sat Dec 22, 2012 10:44 am

I dont think it was a contradiction. If someone goes out to live in the wild for a long time they usually build a cabin or something, and no one complains about that. Having a nice shelter to live in a basic human necessity. He survived off the land and was out in the middle of nowhere, which seemed to be good enough for him.

This made me think though, what if he never found the bus? From what I remember all he had was a tent and backpack. I think that he may have known about the bus in advance. I read that the bus is in a area near Denali Park, which makes it very good for hunting, and hunters know about this. Its possible that he heard about the bus from the locals and decided to go there. He had a map, so I think he was capable of finding the bus if he got directions.

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