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Trip to bus Summer 2019

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 6:17 pm
by S.J.A.
Hello there!
I'm not sure if this forum is still being frequented by people who are interested in hiking to the bus (the real non-movie one out by the Stampede Trail).
So if anybody's reading this, here's me and my plan, and I'd be grateful for any help or advice anybody's willing to give (except for "Don't go", 'cause I will, one way or another).

I am originally from Austria (middle Europe, NOT the southern isle with the big red rock and the kangoroos), but I'll be in BC, Canada, Vancouver area from late June to beginning of September this year, and I'm planning on catching a ride up to the Yukon and eventually to Fairbanks or the general area some time in July or the first half of August. The ultimate goal is, of course, to hike the Stampede Trail and go see the Magic Bus.
I know for a fact that I can go the distance, deal with bugs and mud and wildlife and a few nights out sleeping rough. My drive and motivation exceed my capacity to put thoughts and feelings into words. I might be reckless, but I'm not stupid enough to think that this should be done by myself.

So my question is, is anybody planning on doing the hike this summer? If so, please get in touch, either on here or just e-mail me under

I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys!
All the best,