Has anyone here delt with substance abuse?

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Has anyone here delt with substance abuse?

Postby WonderCouncil » Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:27 am

Yea I know this is probably an odd topic but hopefully not a bad one to bring up. I think what the majority of us have in common here is a drive to be individuals. To lead a life we feel fulfilling. I can imagine when that urge is strong enough and one is unable to follow it, it could lead to other means of escape.

I'm an alcoholic among other things. Alcohol seems to be my drug of choice though. A big part of why I think is that it's legal and easily obtainable. Plus is just makes me feel, nothing. I've often said if I could have a little marijuana every day I'd drop everything else. I've done it in the past. Just not in a position to take the risk involved with getting caught.

Enough of that talk though. In short I've recently relapsed and have been struggling to get on the straight and narrow again. I was sober for 3 years prior to a few weeks ago. I have lasting health problems due to my past abuses. Some of which have flared up with my recent wagon falling. Not looking to get advice or sympathy. Not that they aren't welcome mind you. More just curious if anyone else here has dealt with similar problems. I tried searching but couldn't come up with anything.

Also not drawing any parallels and honestly don't know how true it is. I'm sure it's had to have been discussed in the past but I had come across a video of one of Chris's roommates from college who asserts Chris had a love for alcohol. It even seems to be hinted at in "Into the Wild". Well at least seems like it's hinting after seeing said video on YouTube. Prior to that it looked to just be a normal bar scene.

I apologize if all this has been brought up before. Just wanted to share a sliver of my experience in hopes of hearing others.

I know what needs to be done. It's the doing that's difficult.
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