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A Real Life Christopher McCandless Living Now

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 7:06 am
by ien.chi96
Hey guys,
With Into the Wild being one of the most powerful stories for my own life, I didn't know a more appropriate place to post this new endeavor I'm spearheading.

There's a student named Chris Jeon who in 2011 ditched his past life to fly off and fight with Libyan rebels against Gaddafi; "It got to a point where literally everything I was doing was for another bullet point on the resume," said Jeon of his life up to then. "In America if you want change, you quit a job, get a divorce or move somewhere. These people in Libya were willing to pick up an AK-47 and shed blood for freedom...I wanted to see what that was like." Like McCandless, Chris Jeon was really searching for something of deeper meaning than just pursuing a linear path of getting all A's and a comfortable job. There are a lot of similarities thematically between the two and beyond.

There's a lot more to this story than what the media shallowly portrayed at the time, so I set out to make a documentary to explore the entire story.
(you'll have to copy and paste this into your browser):

We've just launched, but with not many followers yet I was hoping to tap into an audience that would be really receptive of this. I don't mean to sound like a beggar, but this story has such thematic similarities to "Into the Wild" that I thought it'd be great to let you know. Any help for our production fundraising would mean the world, as I'm deeply passionate about getting this project out there.

One film can change so many lives. Into the Wild did it for me, and I'd like to pay it forward. Any help absolutely means the world to us! :D

Re: A Real Life Christopher McCandless Living Now

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 6:41 pm
by Miguelsvuv
Well, I just read your thread, and checked Chris Jeon and his story and the documentary that you are trying to develop! It was the first time that I heard his story and was absolutely amazed and I'm still wanting to hear more from / about him, and you have my total support for you documentary! However I'm still very young and can not help you financially, I'm sorry,

But I wish you good luck!! ;)

Re: A Real Life Christopher McCandless Living Now

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:56 pm
by denniswilson
Hello, sounds like an amazing project. I would love to help you out if possible? I'm currently studying at university in the UK, I study sound for film and television, once you have a documentary I could help with the post production sound I.e mixing levels, adding any extra sounds needed, maybe even some original music?

If you're interested we could chat more, do you have an email or Facebook etc..
