Starting your own adventure

General discussions relating to the story.
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Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:33 pm

Starting your own adventure

Postby aussielad » Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:38 pm

I admire everyone on this forum greatly, because we are all taken aback by the story of Chris McCandless and how truly amazing it is.

All the narrow minded people in the world see Chris as a idiot for this exploration and can not fathom why he did such a thing. But to me and everyone else on this forum it seems quite simple. He did what he wanted to make himself happy, being at one with himself in nature is what he desired and he went and did it, regardless of views and opinions. it is really inspiring to see and if only more people would have this attitude the world would be a much better place and people would not take things for granted as much as they do today.

I only have 8 months of school left until I am finished for good and I can not wait to start my real life and do what makes me happy rather then being programed into getting a job and going to university like the rest of the population.

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