Seasonal work anyone?

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Seasonal work anyone?

Postby WonderCouncil » Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:12 am

I've recently started looking into seasonal jobs and was curious if anyone around here has experience with that. In particular leaving the state you're in to go work somewhere else. I know and have read up a bit on individuals that actually work a circuit of jobs around the U.S. and that may be something I'd be into at some point.

A few summers back I had applied to work at a vacation destination in norther Michigan. I got the job but unfortunately the logistics of me making up there in time didn't work out.

As of now I've been reading up a lot on the Appalachian Mountain Club and the huts they have through out norther New Hampshire. They offer seasonal work at these huts, more or less being a care taker along with a small group of co-workers. Sounds interesting and from the pictures of the area it looks amazing to say the least.

I have no idea why but the Appalachian Trail has always really interested me. I'd at some point like to attempt a thru hike of it. Not to mention I've always wanted to visit New Hampshire. I'm thinking I'm going to apply come November for a position up there. From what I've read it looks like mainly college students which I'm just on the outskirts of being. I'll be turning 27 in a month.

Anyways I'm just curious to hear if anyone else has worked jobs like this. What was your experience, what are you thoughts on it?
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