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Re: Why?

Postby goombla » Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:55 am

Well said o.o

I get ur point. Drugs have become a damn currency that supercedes the actual dollar to some extent.
BUT I'm certain that particular waitress was not drugged out, in fact, a large population of people of people don't do drugs. What then would you say to someone who desires not drugs, lust, or something bad, but to someone who simply wants a lot of money to be comfortable? I don't mean to convince them anything, but simply to understand.

That's how my parents are. All they want is to me be happy. But to them, my happiness entails a successful career and an abundance of money for my future family. I find myself at a loss if words with certain points they bring up. Like the very first time the convo kinda came up, we were talking about colleges and I asked what if I didn't want to go to college. They asked what I wanted to do then, just be a bum? And I was just kinda stuck haha.

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Re: Why?

Postby pezar » Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:12 pm

I probably shouldn't have gone off on my drug rant, actually. It was somewhat off the point. People desire money because it's what they're told to desire. Most people don't think for themselves, they just regurgitate other people's thoughts. They go to school for 12 years, then they are fully brainwashed, and think that "money is happiness". My point originally was that the rich have billions of dollars, but they're not happy. The rich people who are happy are those who have simple lives, like Warren Buffett, who lives in the same house he lived in when he was younger instead of a huge mansion, and who eats regular food instead of fancy food, and who drives himself in a regular old car, and whose life is basically investing his money. I mean, some of these hedge fund managers make a billion dollars a year, and they have to take dope to cope with the stress and emptiness, and all the poor see is the good side of that life, when they don't see the bad. Your parents are middle class, and they don't comprehend what a life without money would be like.

Lao Tzu
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Re: Why?

Postby Lao Tzu » Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:58 pm

goombla wrote:Why?

“You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not?’"

Back To Methuselah --- George Bernard Shaw

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