Dear All

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Re: Dear All

Postby Outcast » Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:57 pm

Dear Long Travler... Sam and the rest of you,

You have already changed the world by your presence and words and thoughts in here - I thank you from the bottom of my heart and the inside of my brain for that now, knowing that you will soon be out there on your own changing yourself and the people you meet on your way to the place you choose for your time alone before you return(?). When I watched the movie and read the book (Into the Wild), I felt such a loss from not ever having the chance to meet Chris McCandless, so I need to write to you and tell you that I think about you a lot – I think I share some of the thoughts that are in/on your mind about the way our society is today and how people seem to not care about it or not even think that something is wrong and that we could be much better off and being much “more” happy. Maybe we (Chris, you and me) are just a rare species born in the wrong era – who knows... it would actually explain a lot.
I've always felt different and had difficulties living a normal life among normal people in a normal world and I've often thought about leaving this place (which is Denmark, Europe) and even this life, but I'm still here (or at least I'm here again...). I tend to take on trips with my mind instead – no drugs involved though... the world is fascinating enough as it is without drugs – instead of thinking of and being occupied with things that most people tend to think of as interesting and important (family, friends, careers, etc.). I love my family and I like my friends, but still... This spring, instead of getting lost into the wild, I chose to visit the psychiatric center where I stayed for some weeks unplugged from society which was great – I really met some interesting, different and great people who couldn't find their place in our society. I told them how I thought and felt about everything and they diagnosed me as being schizophrenic.
It was when I got back to society that I discovered Chris McCandless and watched the movie and read the book, and now I've found this forum and you, Sam – I was happy when you left your name in here... that somehow made me feel a stronger bond to you.

Take care and please stay in touch,


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Re: Dear All

Postby pezar » Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:06 am

Morten, it is my belief that Chris was autistic, mildly so, and many researchers agree that autism and schizophrenia are related disorders. In fact, some have said that Chris was schizophrenic, which I doubt, but autism and schizophrenia are often confused, and seem to be polar opposites. I am autistic as well, and I too can't fit into society. I am making plans to leave the city, where nobody will accept me, and live in the woods of Oregon, where I can be alone with nature. (I previously said I would be a rubbertramp, but I decided it couldn't be sustained over the long term.) I am saving money to buy some land, and will live there, and raise animals for food, and get power from a small hydroelectric setup.

Western society is quite harsh on those who don't fit the mold. It takes advantage of the fact that there are no new lands to escape to, and thus demands compliance. Some people simply can't do it, so they are cast aside. Capitalism has cast so many people aside that these masses of the unemployable seriously threaten the system, as governmental outflows become higher than tax revenues. Inevitably, the largesse will stop, and then the system will collapse. The masses that have been forced into cities, at the command of the UN, will be forced back to the land. So eventually Chris's story will be everybody's story, from wealth to lonely death in a relic of the old ways at the end. I like to think of it as Chris's Revenge-the system that let him down will ultimately let everybody down. In ancient Israel, the "mentally ill" were considered prophets. Today, they are treated as outcasts. Eventually, they will be prophets once more.

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Re: Dear All

Postby Wedelen64 » Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:35 pm

Long Traveler,
Please allow me to indulge myself in giving you this advice. I will try to be brief and to the point and not preachy. My brief background: 46 year old male, 20 year dedicated martial artist.I Own 27 acres of NC undeveloped prime mountain land near the Appalachian Trail but am stuck in Florida working m-f for a large bank that doesnt give a rat's ass about anything but money. I am also the care giver to my 89 year old father. I live in the duality of loving my father and loving to take care of him but my heart and soul is in the mountains.

First, I am humbled by the quality of good people that are posting ideas and advice, which compelled me to join. Please take heed to all suggestions, they are genuine. I suggest, at some point you learn meditation this skill can help you deal with the uncertainty and loneliness by taking the emotion out of the situation and bringing you back to a nonemotional neutral place. No magic just control over your emotions. Also study martial arts if feasable. Please take the time to read trail journals of past hikes and adventures from individuals, especially the journals that deal with the places you intend to visit like Alaska, try to start. You can also post your journal(and pics) on this website if you want. Dont be afraid to extend your stay somewhere if there is someone that can teach you an invaluable skill(control your wonderlust dont let it control you). If your itenerary gets interuppted or delayed do not dispair, embrace it. Try to stay positive, if not then be nuetral. Prolonged negativity will almost guarantee failure. 90% of people you meet will be good, 9% will be negative people and the last 1% are the ones you have to worry about harming or killing you. Trust your gut on what to do if you meet any 1%ers. At first your journey will be 90% physical and 10% mental. Soon enough it will switch to 90% mental 10% physical, this is where the meditation helps. Embrace technology as it suits you, and avoid it when it suits you. Lastly, dont be too caught up in what Chris did. Instead focus on the message that Chris McCandless is trying to convey to us all. and dont expect a huge life changing epiphany at the end of your journey. Embrace the journey itself and dont focus on what will happen at the end of your journey. Please feel free to question anything on this post. I would also like to follow your journey online if you choose to post. Thank You, Beelee

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Joined: Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:48 pm

Re: Dear All

Postby ianharlen » Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:28 pm

Best of luck on your upcoming journey. I spent a few years in Alaska, and have returned many times to backpack there. Where do you think to travel up there? Let me know if you would like some advice on possible locations, or happily find your own. Again, best of luck in that brilliant land! Ian

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