any women here??

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Re: any women here??

Postby Forte » Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:58 am

I am woman. Sorry, I didn't read through this entire thread but I would say that I identify with CM. It's human to crave adventure and I find more and more that I want solitude and to simplify my life.
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Re: any women here??

Postby Ascetic » Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:15 am

I can probably sympathize with these sentiments. I've had relationships with women over the years, but I'm largely ambivalent with respect to those sorts of things. I had an attractive woman try and talk to me tonight while I was out, and I didn't really respond to her. Afterward, when I was driving home, I thought to myself, "Why was she trying to talk with me? Was she interested in me?" And then, I thought, "Why waste even one more second of your time thinking about that? You'll never see her again anyway, so it doesn't matter."

When it comes to relationships, I can take them or leave them. And the older I get, the more I find myself leaving them. My company is the only company I can tolerate 95% of the time.

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Re: any women here??

Postby pezar » Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:33 am

Ascetic wrote:I can probably sympathize with these sentiments. I've had relationships with women over the years, but I'm largely ambivalent with respect to those sorts of things. I had an attractive woman try and talk to me tonight while I was out, and I didn't really respond to her. Afterward, when I was driving home, I thought to myself, "Why was she trying to talk with me? Was she interested in me?" And then, I thought, "Why waste even one more second of your time thinking about that? You'll never see her again anyway, so it doesn't matter."

When it comes to relationships, I can take them or leave them. And the older I get, the more I find myself leaving them. My company is the only company I can tolerate 95% of the time.

I can't stand most women, note I said MOST. Superficial, obsessed with fashion and malls and celebrities. I've looked for dates online, and I've found that the women who are attracted to me always seem to have deep seated psychological problems. My senior prom date was batshit crazy, and it only went downhill from there. Now that I'm older I find that most women looking for dates are "damaged goods" in some way, bitter about men. Then there are the numerous women looking to cheat on their husbands. Sorry gals, I've got morals. Leave him, then let's talk. Women seem to marry for money, then it's all about "I can't leave him because he supports my shopping habits, but he's a dud in bed". I've heard medical coverage being a rationale many times. The dating sites always match me with these liberal women who are juggling 3 or 4 boyfriends in addition to a husband, and everybody's fine with it. I have long since resigned myself to always being alone.

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Re: any women here??

Postby bobenns » Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:58 am

pezar wrote:
GoNorth wrote:Interesting theories. :mrgreen: Ok, mothers (and fathers) probably have a different point of view.
But for the rest, one possible difference between genders has not yet been mentioned yet: What about the girls and women who like McCandless as a MAN? :mrgreen: I mean, he was a charismatic young guy in his prime and - depending on personal taste - not really ugly. I guess that in addition to the identification with his philosophy, this kind of sensation is probably more frequent among female McCandless-"fans" than the mother instinct. ;)

The irony, of course, is that Chris seems to have been uninterested in women from a romantic/sexual standpoint. Jon Krakauer admitted that there's no evidence Chris ever had sex or a girlfriend of any type. He had a few female friends, but they were platonic. Maybe there's a tad of what has been called the "loving Mr. Spock syndrome" where women feel that men who have no romantic interests need to be "warmed/loosened up". It's the same misguided maternal instinct that leads women to think they can "fix" a violent or thuggish man, only to end up disappointed but unbowed. Ladies, you've got to understand that if a guy isn't interested in you, he's not, and you don't need to convince him otherwise or beat yourselves up because he "rejected" you. I really think Chris had high functioning autism, the lack of interest in romance, the attraction to the wandering life, and other aspects fit. I know, I have HFA and I see myself in Chris.

Wow, some really interesting ideas here. Krakauer also draws some interesting parallels with the male sex drive of youth and CM drive to somehow be one with wild nature. When it comes to being involved with women CM had avoided any real deep relationships, but seemed to be committed to becoming a husband and father later in life. He had an unusually high moral standard for a young man of his time, or of any time. Probably rooted in his parents affairs. We often joke about monks etc taking the vow of celibacy, but when taken seriously some individuals can redirect that energy that is so abundant and common in others. St Francis of Assisi for example and his famous prayer suggests it.

Lust is a cruel master.

Chris may have decided to put off relationships and sex until he was more certain of who he really was himself. However the high functioning autism idea can explain a lot too. Chris was just that bit more unusual than the average. We are all somewhat unique but most of us can be classified into a certain type class with other similar people. There are not a lot of similar people to CM. There are some with certain similarities, mountain men and hermits etc. but CM was much more dynamic than others in the usual list of distinctive Alaskan outdoor oddballs.

CM I don't think had that sexual charisma of say an Elvis or Mick Jagger or Bill Clinton that draws many female admirers and willing sexual partners. His charisma is a type that appeals more to people who are seeking truth, understanding and meaning in life through rugged adventure and discovery. More men may identify with him than women because women seeking similar things may tend to look for it by different means, emancipation/liberation etc. that are typically anti-male oriented.

As a religion the life of CM could be summarized in many different ways, "Be true to yourself" would be a good one, flowing out of Thoreau and others he liked to read. And I think perhaps many more men than women admire him for his unique personal honesty and staying true to his beliefs and admitting when he was wrong, accepting his fate as the result of his errors.

Lots to think about.
There is no greater scripture than nature, for nature is life itself.

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Re: any women here??

Postby GoNorth » Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:03 pm

pezar wrote: It's the same misguided maternal instinct that leads women to think they can "fix" a violent or thuggish man, only to end up disappointed but unbowed. Ladies, you've got to understand that if a guy isn't interested in you, he's not, and you don't need to convince him otherwise or beat yourselves up because he "rejected" you.

You are certainly right, but that was not the point, because McCandless has become "famous" only after his death anyway. ;) I just meant the reasons that part of the women might have to be interested in the story. Of course you cannot compare this to an attraction to a living person, including hopes and wishes.

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Re: any women here??

Postby GoNorth » Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:09 pm

pezar wrote:I can't stand most women, note I said MOST. Superficial, obsessed with fashion and malls and celebrities.

... Women seem to marry for money, then it's all about "I can't leave him because he supports my shopping habits, but he's a dud in bed".

So in your opinion MOST women are superficial and only interested in money? You're not serious, are you? :mrgreen:

pezar wrote:I've looked for dates online

Perhaps you should drop that. ;)

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Re: any women here??

Postby GoNorth » Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:15 pm

Now this is really getting more and more interesting... but a bit scary, too. ;)

bobenns wrote:because women seeking similar things may tend to look for it by different means, emancipation/liberation etc. that are typically anti-male oriented.

bobenns wrote:And I think perhaps many more men than women admire him for his unique personal honesty and staying true to his beliefs and ...

Do you guys know any women at all? :P
"anti-male oriented" things to find ourselves?
Less women admire personal honesty and truth?
Where do you live? :mrgreen:

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Re: any women here??

Postby naturelover24 » Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:31 pm

GoNorth wrote:Now this is really getting more and more interesting... but a bit scary, too. ;)

bobenns wrote:because women seeking similar things may tend to look for it by different means, emancipation/liberation etc. that are typically anti-male oriented.

bobenns wrote:And I think perhaps many more men than women admire him for his unique personal honesty and staying true to his beliefs and ...

Do you guys know any women at all? :P
"anti-male oriented" things to find ourselves?
Less women admire personal honesty and truth?
Where do you live? :mrgreen:

hahaha how so "GoNorth"? I think its simple, we ALL love adventure, its in our blood, its in our hearts. We all love LOVE, and since Men are stronger and Women are weaker (absolutely no offense to women, its just how God made us), women need to be with a MAN; a warrior with passion, adventure, love, and respect!!
agree women?

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Re: any women here??

Postby pezar » Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:46 pm

GoNorth wrote:
pezar wrote:I can't stand most women, note I said MOST. Superficial, obsessed with fashion and malls and celebrities.

... Women seem to marry for money, then it's all about "I can't leave him because he supports my shopping habits, but he's a dud in bed".

So in your opinion MOST women are superficial and only interested in money? You're not serious, are you? :mrgreen:

pezar wrote:I've looked for dates online

Perhaps you should drop that. ;)

I live in California of course, so YMMV. :mrgreen:

Also, I'm not a big fan of the bar scene. That leaves online. :geek:

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Re: any women here??

Postby stilltrekker » Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:54 am

Well, I was intending to stay gender-neutral on this site, but this chat is just too juicy to refrain from. You go, GONORTH girl!--and I'll admit I hadn't guessed your gender from reading your earlier posts. Had my fellow forum readers guessed mine? Perhaps not, since I haven't espoused a passion for shopping malls, high heels, tough guys, Sugar Daddies, and all the other stereotypical attractions that you big tough outdoorsmen seem to think are What Women Want. And, OMG, I don't hold maternal feelings toward Chris, nor a fantasy sexual attraction to the image of the man he was. Yes, Virginia, even (some) women can relate to a free spirit, a traveler, a PERSON who walks "the road not taken" (thanks, RF). Not all of us are as shallow--or as dependent on men--as some of you seem to think. Hell, maybe this forum isn't as exclusively male as you may think, either. For reasons of our own, sometimes we women like to leave gender out of the discussion--it tends to level out the playing field. My age, educational/relationship status, location, FB page? Sorry, guys, that's my business, at least for now.


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