Schoolsystem Brainwashing?

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Schoolsystem Brainwashing?

Postby freeSpirit » Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:38 am

it seems like they (the govt) gets us to school for 18-ish years, and then we call go to college because the media, teachers, parents all say "its just what you do."

THEN upon graduation, after spending the Majority of your LIFE in school, you go to start on your career for 40 years.. then just a few years til death.. call me crazy but where is the Passion??! your dreams?
there is wayy more to life than just money.

i feel tricked, disrespected, and a fool for not seeing this "assembly line"style brainwashing.

does anyone agree with the absurdity this schoolsystem style of conditioning?

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Re: Schoolsystem Brainwashing?

Postby goombla » Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:20 am

I certainly agree, and its a big reason why I'm not wasting my time with college and the rest of it all.

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Re: Schoolsystem Brainwashing?

Postby Wedelen64 » Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:46 am

freeSpirit wrote:it seems like they (the govt) gets us to school for 18-ish years, and then we call go to college because the media, teachers, parents all say "its just what you do."

THEN upon graduation, after spending the Majority of your LIFE in school, you go to start on your career for 40 years.. then just a few years til death.. call me crazy but where is the Passion??! your dreams?
there is wayy more to life than just money.

i feel tricked, disrespected, and a fool for not seeing this "assembly line"style brainwashing.

does anyone agree with the absurdity this schoolsystem style of conditioning?

I could write a novel on this subject but instead will just say that they no longer challenge students to think for themselves. It is all propaganda style teaching. And don't get me started witht he way they teach history, lol. Memorize a bunch of dates and lie to you about what really happened and what our forefathers really intended for our country so they can continue to steal from us and we live our lives as robots to the system.

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Re: Schoolsystem Brainwashing?

Postby Magic_Don » Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:46 am

I can understand the idea behind it, but, let's share some of my story.

I went to school for 17 1/2 years. No preschool. Even in kindergarden, as my mother recounts, I didn't need to be there, because I already knew almost everything they were teaching.

I graduated at the end of the first semester of my junior year. I took a test, because school wasn't interesting me. Now, I'm some 14 years out of school, and do you know how much of that I use now? How much I've retained? Best yet...

How much of what I learned was eventually proven incorrect, or lies, because of who wrote it, and when it was written?

Don't get me wrong, schools have meaning. But, everything after basic maths, science, and learning to read and write, should be optional, or, more of a free system. Not everyone needs algebra, not everyone needs biology. How about basic banking and book keeping skills? Life skills! That'd be awesome.

I did go to college, for about a year. Not seriously, I took yoga, and classical guitar. I have grown so far as a human because I was never pigeon holed into one way of learning, one arena of thought. Now, yeah, I don't make much money. I can't afford to live on my own. Not in Southern California anyway. But, I'd rather live a low paid, highly enlightened life, than a meaningless money driven one.

It's funny how I never realized what I was becoming, until I saw the movie, and read the book. It was almost like most of my life was leading up to learned about the simpler lifestyle. lol.
Rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness... give me truth.

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Re: Schoolsystem Brainwashing?

Postby pezar » Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:43 pm

I was watching the whole "Occupy Wall Street" protest thing, and it occurred to me that the "protesters" aren't REALLY rebelling against the banking system, but simply regurgitating opinions they've been told to have. The same goes for the Right. BOTH the radical movements on either side are run by billionaires; the Tea Party is run by the Koch Brothers and the Saudi Royal Family who are owners of Fox News, Occupy is run by Communist front organizations such as International Socialists and ANSWER, which in turn are run by liberal billionaires such as George Soros.

So what you REALLY have is a fight between different factions of rich people for control of the world, and you have ordinary people who have been roped into supporting a side in this clash of the titans, and you have the media saying that one side is holy and the other dangerous lunatics to try to sway people. You don't have anybody who is willing to totally break with the system as Chris did.

People are bred to be generally unintelligent morons, then they are forced to go to public school and then college to get indoctrinated with the "proper" form of brainwashing, then they're wound up and sent out to support the system by thinking that they're opposing it. Even ITW, which is a beautiful story, has been co-opted by the educational system, which tells students how to think about Chris. The system doesn't dare to leave any stone unturned in its total control over people.

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Re: Schoolsystem Brainwashing?

Postby freeSpirit » Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:49 am

yeah dude your so right!!

great post "pezar', and yeah im sure they (the schoolteachers) talk about Chris in a positive light.. more so in a "dont take chances, look what taking chances will do to you.. death!" they will probably try to scare it out of people... hopefully some read it with an open mind.

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Re: Schoolsystem Brainwashing?

Postby Wedelen64 » Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:37 pm

You are right Pezar. The good news is there are people like us who know there is a problem that is too big for us to fix. That is why we plan for a future away from this madness. It is better to plan a different future for ourselves than try to adapt and live based on what is happening today. If we don't plan a future for ourselves then we are slaves to the system that binds us. I ask this question: are we truly free in this country or is our freedom doled out based on the government's whims?

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Re: Schoolsystem Brainwashing?

Postby pezar » Tue Oct 11, 2011 4:48 pm

Wedelen, "freedom" is what the govt defines it to be. I learned that lesson from George Orwell: when the govt writes the definitions, words mean what they say they mean. I should dig up the lyrics to the old Metallica song Eye of the Beholder, because it describes the situation well.

Independence limited
Freedom of choice is made for you my friend
Freedom of speech is words that they will bend
Freedom no longer frees you

I don't know what the schools and universities are teaching about ITW, but I do NOT trust them. Too many people are making too much money off the current system to avoid the train wreck up ahead. Kids graduate college not knowing how much in student loans they owe, then get a bunch of nasty surprises. You owe more than you can pay back, AND you can't discharge it in bankruptcy! You can't get a job! You're screwed! And then they get mad, and the "controlled opposition" is waiting there with open arms. The only way to deny the system the satisfaction of enslaving you is to do what Chris did. It's a lot more difficult now than it was in his day.

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Re: Schoolsystem Brainwashing?

Postby samuelarnold » Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:41 am

The federal government has nothing to do with public school. in fact the constitution does not guarantee an education at all. education is left up to individual states to decide for themselves.

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Re: Schoolsystem Brainwashing?

Postby freeSpirit » Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:23 pm

well if thats true, the media sure does play a huge part in advocating kids to go to college.. the commercials for school supplies, colleges, community college, etc.

thats the thing; the government KNOWS that people who are in school every single year for 15 years, are going to be so heavily indoctrinated that they won't think otherwise but to go to college, get a degree, enter the rat race.

the movies, media, tv shows all portray the "good life" as a life like the one i mentioned.

they support it. in reality, after like 3rd grade, school is useless. i don't remember anything i learned, nor have i used it. school makes everyone the same, just like in the real world; it destroys individuality.

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