What if Chris lived through the wild?

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What if Chris lived through the wild?

Postby Bcarver23 » Thu Jan 02, 2014 3:22 pm

Imagine what Chris mandates life would of been like if he survived in the wild. What would he do when he returned home? Would he be mentally scared for life ? Would his outlook on life change after going through that experience.

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Re: What if Chris lived through the wild?

Postby intothegreatwild » Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:20 pm

i think it might change, it have to change, because he treat his mind and it would change, and also i think he would be a great person....but if that happened, what would touch and impressed US?..........

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Re: What if Chris lived through the wild?

Postby wbhssampson » Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:45 pm

If Chris lived through the wild then that would be great but I still think of him as dumb. Everything he did was dangerous. I get it you want to live... okay well then GO SKYDIVING!! I would call what he did a death wish. Its the same was me jumping in a fast river, I could drown or I could succeed but theres a huge chance that I could die. Just because i could die and that the risk is very high I'm not going to do that

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Re: What if Chris lived through the wild?

Postby WBHSMEEKSretry » Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:46 pm

I believe he would have went home to his friends and family. I do not think he would have been scared for his life because he was living his life the way he wanted. Even though it turned out on the bad side. If he had survived in the wild I believe he would have started his own family and thought his children the value of earning the things you have because he did not like having things gave to him.

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Re: What if Chris lived through the wild?

Postby WbhsPYang » Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:52 pm

If Chris lived through the wild I think he would have went back and visited Franz, Westerberge, and all the people he met on his journey. Chris liked being on the move because in the book he said that he would often get itchy feet meaning he needed to travel. He probably would've went back to his home town and lived a normal life with his family again, or maybe he could've kept on traveling his journey someplace else. He was good at doing this, so I think he could have had a wide variety of choices to choose from if he did live through the wild.

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Re: What if Chris lived through the wild?

Postby WBHSrcook » Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:57 pm

I think he would have came home a changed man. I have no doubt all of his experiences would have changed many things in his life. He would have came home and I dont think he would like it back in civilization and not constantly moving around. He definitely think he would have left again and went out and about for more experiences. He liked the lifestyle. I have noo doubt he would have gone back out within a year or two of his return.

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Re: What if Chris lived through the wild?

Postby WBHShollifield » Thu Apr 03, 2014 3:16 pm

If Chris would have survived and made it out, then we probably never would have heard of him. People go camping in the woods all the time. If he made it out thats what it would have been to everybody, an extreme camping trip. Without him giving his life this story means nothing to anybody. No book and no movie.

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Re: What if Chris lived through the wild?

Postby wbhscalvert » Thu Apr 03, 2014 3:29 pm

If Chris lived through the wild that would have been great. But there are just some things that you don't do and going into the wild like he did without anything to help him live besides some rice and a gun is not the right way to go. He should have planned more clearly of what he needed or what he thought he might need even if he didn't use it. If he wanted to live on the "wild side" go jump off a bride or out of an airplane, why go into something you know you probably wont live through?? Thats just one of my questions, I don't know him and I don't know what his thoughts were but he had to have had a good reason for doing what he did.

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Re: What if Chris lived through the wild?

Postby Wbhs_BMoore » Thu Apr 03, 2014 4:19 pm

Towards the end of the book he says that in order to have full happiness, you need social interaction. So this could've meant that he was getting lonely out there and he wanted people in his life. So yes I think that he would've went back to his family and maybe lived a normal life again! He could've kept on tramping around but I think that would've let his friends and family know where he was that way he could still continue his travels without all the mystery!

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