Would you do what Chris did?

Here you can discuss anything related to Christopher McCandless.
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Re: Would you do what Chris did?

Postby Wbhscruce » Thu Apr 03, 2014 3:33 pm

I think it would be fun to go exploring the United States and I would love to go to Alaska but I do not think I would go to some of the extremes that Chris goes too. I do not think I could stand not taking a shower for as long as he did. I would become too musty and too hot and eventually get overheated. I am shy so talking and meeting new people would be a challenge for me.

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Re: Would you do what Chris did?

Postby Wbhscruce » Thu Apr 03, 2014 3:36 pm

I think it would be fun to go exploring the United States and I would love to go to Alaska but I do not think I would go to some of the extremes that Chris goes too. I do not think I could stand not taking a shower for as long as he did. I would become too musty and too hot and eventually get overheated. I am shy so talking and meeting new people would be a challenge for me.

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Re: Would you do what Chris did?

Postby Wbhs_BMoore » Thu Apr 03, 2014 3:42 pm

I would like to do some of the things Chris did but not as extremely as he did it! I dont think I would tramp around with out telling my family for 2 whole years! Thats a long time and I wouldn't have any reason to abandon everyone, so I would do it but solely for fun and the adventure not to get away from society. And I dont know if I woiuld put myself into situations where there is a pretty good chance of me not making it out alive!

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Re: Would you do what Chris did?

Postby Wbhscruce » Thu Apr 03, 2014 3:47 pm

I think it would be fun to go exploring the United States and I would love to go to Alaska but I do not think I would go to some of the extremes that Chris goes too. I do not think I could stand not taking a shower for as long as he did. I would become too musty and too hot and eventually get overheated. I am shy so talking and meeting new people would be a challenge for me.

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Re: Would you do what Chris did?

Postby newbus143 » Wed Dec 17, 2014 8:19 am

Hey there,
I totally agree with the majority of this posts. I wouldn't go into the wild as well and especially not to Alaska. I would prefer the first part of Chris' journey, because travelling and hitch riding through many States of America really impressed me. To meet so many cool and special people, who do not live the typical American lifestyle has to be very exciting. Whereas his underprepared time in Alaska was too dangerous and thorny alone. All in all I regret his early and agonizing death and have huge respect that he just stayed alive so long alone in the wilderness.
He was a brave man, who realized his dream and even if I wouldn't do the same, he is admirable!!

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Re: Would you do what Chris did?

Postby jada » Mon Jan 19, 2015 5:27 pm

Good question.

Why would I risk going out of my comfort zone?
Why would I allow myself to be bent by the elements?
Why would I let myself be estranged from the society?

These questions are the main things that may stop us from doing what Christopher did.

However, without these binding ropes around us, we might just be able to find our way back home. To our own very core.
Back to a place where nothing else could matter. Just the hard truths of life, and the simple happiness that it brings.

If I wasnt born scared to break rules. I WOULD'VE.

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Re: Would you do what Chris did?

Postby SheGoesIntoTheWild » Fri Jul 17, 2015 8:48 pm

I definitely would.

One of the only two differences is that I wouldn't go to Alaska for what Chris did, I'd go somewhere else for that.
For Chris, Alaska was his destination, his big dream.
But long before I heard of him and his story, I already had found "my Alaska" - my big dream.

Of course, I really wanna go to Alaska one day, just to see it all - Fairbanks, the Stampede Trail, the Teklanika, the Magic Bus, ...
But I think everyone has to find his own destination. And it would be wrong if I would go to Alaska for my journey. I have to go to my "own" place.

The second difference is that I wouldn't break up completely with my family. I surely wouldn't phone them every day ;) but as the relation I have to my parents is very good, I don't want to exclude them totally of my life.

By doing this, I don't want to imitate Chris and what he did. Somehow it's strange, but I've always wanted to do exactly the same like him - and that long before I heard about him. Then, after hearing of him, his story was a confirmation for me that I have to do what I've always dreamed of.

I know that this sounds crazy and that most of you won't understand it, but I hate this life - stuck in the modern, capitalistic society. I've already cleared out my possessions and live a minimalist life by now, but, nevertheless, each time I look around in my apartment now, I keep feeling crushed by all that stuff I still have. When I see all these things that I own, it's like their weight pulls me right to the ground. And I feel very, very horrible. The materialistic way of life with all its money that doesn’t really exist, but that is just a promise, makes me feel very enraged.
So for me it’s no possibility to put it into question if I should do what Chris did or if I shouldn’t. And even if you think I’m crazy, stupid or whatever, as I know about the actual life what I know, it’s a obligation to do it.
“The true harvest of my daily life is somewhat as intangible and indescribable as the tints of morning or evening. It is a little star-dust caught, a segment of the rainbow which I have clutched.”

― Henry David Thoreau

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