Intent on coming back

Here you can discuss anything related to Christopher McCandless.
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Intent on coming back

Postby SHS2013Angel » Sat Feb 16, 2013 4:23 pm

What was Chris's intent on if he was coming back or not? I am reading the book in my class and I don't understand if he wanted to or not and if there is a right answer. Anybody have an opinion of their own?

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Joined: Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:53 am

Re: Intent on coming back

Postby Moose200x » Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:15 pm

SHS2013Angel wrote:What was Chris's intent on if he was coming back or not? I am reading the book in my class and I don't understand if he wanted to or not and if there is a right answer. Anybody have an opinion of their own?

It's pretty clear Chris had the intention of coming out of the woods. How he would live his life is up for debate. When you consider he kept money, ID and a map in his bag in a "hidden" compartment along with his sign (injured-neardeath) showing he was not there to die leaves little doubt to me that he was coming back at some point.

I feel Chris would of continued to attempt to push himself to the limits, unfortunately, until he died. It was simply a matter of time. I believe that to be true due to his increasingly difficult journeys.

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