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Postby allergic-to-society » Fri Jan 11, 2013 7:36 pm

For New Years this year, my friend from Colorado and I escaped to Vegas to celebrate bringing in the new number. After a long night full of inappropriate attire, inhaling alcohol, and some minor regrets... A long, boring, traffic infested ride back to the Californian Desert, did not sound the least bit appealing. But knowing a shorter, less populated route through the Mojave National Preserve, felt like the right way to go.
This roller coaster like road, constantly takes you up and down, left and right. Through abandoned towns with odd houses, over railroad tracks, and past forests of joshua trees.
This ride for me, was especially enjoyable. I loved the stomach jumping drops, the constant change of scenery, and the lonely like atmosphere while riding down the bare one lane road. Rarely seeing other vehicles along the way, when spotting a fellow traveler, it couldn't help but make you think, "what the hell are they doing out here?!" The desolate highway is the definition of peaceful. I must had taken 50 or so pictures on my phone, trying to capture every angelic thing I saw. Which to me... was fundamentally every little detail. I was fascinated by all aspects the entire drive.
My friend on the other hand... mouthful of sunflower seeds, drowning in and out of a slumber, and undoubtedly annoyed with my choice of music... did not seem amused at all by the painted like landscape we were buried in. She clearly became annoyed with my, "OH MY GOD! Look at that!... And that!... And THAT!" So eventually, I shut up and kept the fascination of my surroundings to myself.
I then realize, only a mere 6 months ago... my response to this view would had been very similar to my friends. The red ribbon-ed roller-coaster road would had just been a poorly paved direction home. The ghost towns filled with abnormal constructed abodes would had just been boring towns who once held vulgar residents. And the incredible panorama would had just been dirt, weeds, and "too many trees".
I came to the conclusion that Christopher McCandless, has not only changed my way of viewing life... but my way of observing and appreciating mother nature. I don't look at the sky anymore and just see white clouds with a blue backdrop. I see an abundance of colors, with shapes and depths, a picture right in front of my eyes but knowing you can never reach it. It's like an illusion. Another beautiful art form in this earths envelope. But is never constant. Always changing and becoming a new portrait everyday.
Thank you Mr. McCandless for changing my way of seeing this universe in more ways than one. And thank you for teaching me to look below the surface and beyond the human eye.

^^^ from my blog. Sorry it's in such an essay format.

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