Our Parents are SO Far Gone

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Our Parents are SO Far Gone

Postby kingdomdayz777 » Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:06 am

like Chris, most of our parents are so brainwashed on what life is about.

most parents/people in general are indoctrinated into the "american dream" lifestyle, in which you go to school for 22-25 years of your life, despite it being ridiculously boring and ineffective in true education), followed by about 40 years of mindless, passionless and purposeless work.

i'm 22, and it is mind-boggling how they live this life. "the mom stays home all day, while the husband works to bring home the money."

or your parents both work; either way our society is living in an invisible prison. everyday they experience the same dreadful, dull life, just like the day before. we need money, clothes, and television to keep us preoccupied for long enough.

we get sucked into this ultra conformity, conservative life where we are afraid to take risks, afraid to truly live a life in our dreams. a passionate life, a purpose-driven life, a life of unity and selflessness, adventure, hope.

i don't see this. my parents know the life i want. i have told them many times, and they don't understand that they didn't waste their life. they never took risks. they view life as merely WORK, as opposed to an ADVENTURE! LIfe is meant to be LIVED VALIANTLY!!

i definitely understand why Chris did what he did; he was fed up with his parents ignorance, his parents apathy, his parents selfishness.

it is so sad to see how far gone our parents are. i pray they will wake up and realize the lie they are living. anyone relate to this??

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Re: Our Parents are SO Far Gone

Postby goombla » Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:25 pm

Pretty much defines my parents...

Theyre so scared of risks, i was never allowed to go camping or even have sleep overs.

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Re: Our Parents are SO Far Gone

Postby Husky » Fri Apr 27, 2012 7:30 pm

I can relate to what your saying. I thought my folks were pretty lame, too. But, they gave up a lot to raise me and my brother. It was their dream, I guess, to have a family and make a secure life for us. In a way, they took a risk in creating me and they must have hoped I wouldn't be too much of a pain and would make them proud. Then they saved my life by financing my college years- otherwise I would have been drafted and shipped off to Viet Nam.

After I got out of college and the draft was over I just wanted to get as far away from the folks (mostly my dad) as I could. Ironically, he loaned me the money to buy a van and drive to Alaska where I have lived ever since.

As I grew up I began to have a little more respect for the folks. Although I don't like to be around them for more than a few days at a time. Understanding their history helped me grasp their need for security and stability. They grew up in the Depression, World War 2 and other traumas. In comparison, you have it really easy today.

I expect your parents are much younger than mine. And maybe have different reasons for what they are doing. But maybe for them, YOU, were the biggest part of their dream. Cut them some slack and maybe withhold judgement until YOU have actually gotten out of their house and accomplished something better.... And remember, they may be looking forward to the day you go. Just sayin'...
Here we are in the years
Where the showman shifts the gears
Lives become careers
Children cry in fear
Let us out of here! Neal Young

Don't let fear stand in the way.
There's nothing to it
but to do it! Husky

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Re: Our Parents are SO Far Gone

Postby SteveSalmon » Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:47 am


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