Chris' Motivation for Leaving..

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Chris' Motivation for Leaving..

Postby kingdomdayz777 » Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:48 am

this is something not many have addressed on here. the reason Chris left in the manner he did was for 2 reasons:

A. to pursue a life of adventure and not apathy/routine
B. to get away from his sleepwalker, money-driven/materialistic parents.

the second reason is a difficult, sad one.. but is often too common in the way our society is constructed: with its mentality of school, work, and more work, we are bred to be mindless robotic workers. check out the brain-altering/poisonous Fluoride (a main ingredient in rat poison and Prozac... gross!) that is placed in our tap water across the globe, the mind numbing crap were fed on television, chem-trails (look em up), flawed school-systems; this earth has been turned into a robot-production line of workers. your born, you are brought into "school", then more school, then pressured/brainwashed into a lifeless, purposeless, fear-driven career..

it bugs me; i'm temporarily living at home with my family (i'm 22), and seeing the way they live saddens and also disgusts me.

my dad has worked at a job he hates for 30 plus years, only to reap the selfish benefits of money. his life is for himself, and his happiness comes solely from money and self worship.

my mother has to be one of the most clueless, lost people on earth. never questioning anything, just going along with what the world tells her. her whole life consists of: shopping, cooking, television... for over 30 years every day!!

she has no purpose, and she has no passion in her day. her "joy" comes from wealth and this comfortable lifestyle, which is COMPLETELY HIJACKING any sort of purpose or passion in their lives. this house is their grave.. don't get me wrong; i DO appreciate what they have given me, but i'm not exactly sure if it is for selfish pride who genuine love for their children.

anyone know what i mean? i'm sure Chris' reasons for leaving were motivated equally by adventure and also achieving what his parents were too brainwashed to even attempt.. thoughts?

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Re: Chris' Motivation for Leaving..

Postby pezar » Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:44 pm

This seems to be common among baby boomers. My parents are the same way. I think that many of them put their souls into the 60s, and when the "system" won they put all their faith into the "system" because the transformation promised by radical communism never materialized. When the USSR collapsed and its horrors were revealed, it reinforced the idea that nothing will ever change and that the only way to numb the pain is more stuff and more pills.

Reagan promised salvation through materialism and debt, and through eliminating "big government" so that people were "free" to acquire stuff. Reagan ran up the debt to destroy the Russians, and it worked. The Russians couldn't keep up, since their system didn't have the ability to print money, so they failed. So people got the idea that they could have their cake and eat it too, victory without pain, effortless prosperity.

What it was was a bubble machine that blew bigger and bigger debt bubbles. Then in 2008, it popped. In 2009, China stopped buying US debt. So the govt simply printed money to finance itself, and prohibited lending to the average Joe so as to keep hyperinflation under control. The government expanded and the economy shrank. The boomers have put their heart and soul into the idea that debt = wealth, and they're too old to change. They are entering retirement with debt, and totally reliant on the govt to pay it for them.

There is literally zero backing for the world economy. The only way out is over the edge. It took Europe 700 years to recover from the collapse of Rome. We have used up all the resources, so the stakes are MUCH higher. Our glittering society is a coffin. We are digging a massive grave, whose epitaph will be "Effortless prosperity, effortless fall, but we still went splat".

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Re: Chris' Motivation for Leaving..

Postby batsialvin » Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:14 am

Chris alone had a few reasons as to why he left. Before he left, he basically lived by the book. After sometime, he wanted to do something for himself instead of constantly abiding by his parents ruling. Chris wanted to k now his reason for living and what he should do in life. His parents had always wanted him to be a successful scholar and he had done that all his life.He wanted a change in his life.
Chris McCandes left because he wanted to run away from his life as he felt it wasn't what he wanted to do and that is wast benefiting him in any way. He just wanted to live and saw leaving as his only alternative to achieve all his passions and dreams. Chris got to a point when he didn't know his name and was also in search of his identity. Chris also left in search of a new passion and something to inspire him to once again live in happiness.
Chris left due to other pressures and the terrible home he grew up in didn't set much of an example. Chris wanted to do something outrageous and felt going into the wild was the most appropriate thing to do.

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Re: Chris' Motivation for Leaving..

Postby muffinman127 » Fri Dec 21, 2012 7:03 pm

Re: Chris' Motivation for Leaving..

Well, Chris was definetly not the average person, any "average" person would of taken the car that their parents offered them for free. They would also go and find a job after graduating from college. But Chris was different, he wanted to escape a materialistic society and find freedom. It is also evident that he was not to fond of his parents, the last letter he wrote to them was void of any emotion in contrast to the letter he sent his sister. There was also something about nature that interested Chris, whether it be the rush of danger, the peace and quiet or the absence of people. But no one can be sure, maybe their was a different reason for Chris to leave. Something that no author or film writter could ever guess.

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