In regard to Chris and his Hollywood legacy

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In regard to Chris and his Hollywood legacy

Postby texvirgo » Tue Jan 02, 2018 6:33 am

I am new to the following of Into the Wild. In fact, I just watched the movie three days ago. I was captivated by the story, and upon returning home, I watched Ron Lamothe's documentary. I plan on buying the book of Into the Wild as well, but that is besides the point of this post.
My heart has been hurting for Chris- I have been questioning whether or not he would have wanted to have receive this attention, would he have wanted to be thought of as a hero? Chris has been turned into another Kurt Cobain, another John Lennon.. yes, he was interesting, but he's not a god. Sean Penn did an amazing job on the movie, but he seemed to only be selling the parts of Chris that people would like. He wasn't even able to reveal the truth of his death,(death by starvation instead of poisoning) he didn't want the audience to see Chris as being weak. Chris was romanticized in the movie, and I wish that the film was able to show the audience more of Chris's true character instead of his Supertramp persona.
Anyways, sorry for how rambled this post is. It is past midnight where I live.
I know this site is somewhat dead, but it would be interesting to have some healthy banter with a few of you about this topic!

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Re: In regard to Chris and his Hollywood legacy

Postby Hurley » Sun Jan 28, 2018 7:50 pm

I've never watched Penn's movie and I won't. Hollywood removes all of the truth out of everything. I watched the movie 'into the wild' on Netflix and If you didn't read the book, you would have no idea of what was going on in this film or what was really at stake with Chris, in other words, the truth. Please read the book several times and forget about the movies. It will sink deep into you if you can relate. And you will relate because you are here posting. Nobody is a god, except in their own minds.

Don't see Chris as a person who did or did not do something. Look at your life and see how Chris is like you. not all his attributes, because we all have enormous faults. But as with any person in world history, take what you can use from Chris and his exploits and then you will help society and others. Hollywood does not equal truth. have a great week.

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Joined: Sun Dec 31, 2017 7:29 pm

Re: In regard to Chris and his Hollywood legacy

Postby texvirgo » Tue Mar 13, 2018 4:46 am

Sorry this is very late. But yes, I agree. A day after I posted this I went to Barnes and Noble and purchased the book. I've since read it three times, and researched much on Chris, I plan on doing a school project on him.

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