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What do you think about Chris going into the wild?

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 2:31 pm
by Ashbaby424
I think Chris was courageous for going into the wild. If he planned on living, he should of had better gear and more food. I respect that he burned all of his money, abandoned his car, and tried to forget about reality. But Chris did not get very far without a job and some kind of income. I think he was smart but he could have made some better decisions that would've helped him in the long run.

Re: What do you think about Chris going into the wild?

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:58 pm
by CaitlynCooper
I think that it was a cool idea. I really respect him trying to live off the land and such. Just getting away from society sounds like a fantastic idea. If I was in his position though I would have been more prepared. I probably would have brought a different gun and better gear. To at least have a better chance at survival, for a longer period of time.

Re: What do you think about Chris going into the wild?

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:10 pm
by AndrewD
I can see were hes coming from sometimes you just want to get away. I think that if i would have gone i would have brought more stuff and not stayed as long.

Re: What do you think about Chris going into the wild?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:31 pm
by Wbhsbyang
I respect what he has done. He lived months in the wild with little amount of stuff. Very few people have ever done that.

Re: What do you think about Chris going into the wild?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:42 pm
by Wbhscruce
I like the idea of him going into the wild. If I could go and live in the wild I would, however I would be better prepared. I do not think he had a lack of food because he had game all around him and he was constantly killing animals for food. I believe he knew what he was getting into when he left college and that is how he wanted it. He did not want an occupation because he did not want to rely on money, what he says is evil, to keep him alive. In conclusion, i believe going into the wild was a good idea and he really wanted to do it because he was so sick and tired of being babied by his parentals.

Re: What do you think about Chris going into the wild?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:42 pm
by WbhsHaynes
I think Chris went into the wild because he wanted to show that he could prove himself to people that he sat out on a adventure and to accomplish a higher goal for himself and he strived to show that he did not need to depend on his family or friends. Chris's journey he made a diary and kept track of the days till he died and he enjoyed every minute of it he captured animals that he encountered a took photos of the animals he killed. Through ought his journey he made several stops and made a little money and he was not afraid to get dirty. Chris strived and achieved his goals and proved he could be on his own and live out of a bus with nothing but bare essentials. i think all around Chris was satisfied with his original goal and just strived for more.

Re: What do you think about Chris going into the wild?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:44 pm
by WBHSKMeono
i think Chris was just really excited about having and Alaskan Odyssey, that he really wasn't thinking about all the dangerous things he could face. I felt like he thought it was a vacation and a getaway from all society. I believe that Chris was a little cocky though. Since he already survived going into the desert, he thought it would be so easy going to Alaska for a little while. i respect him for wanting to stay away from all the problems in the world, but i just felt like he should have thought about it more when he was on his way to his "adventure".

Re: What do you think about Chris going into the wild?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:44 pm
by Wbhs_redneck
I think he went into the wild without the proper knowledge to survive there

Re: What do you think about Chris going into the wild?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:47 pm
by wbhssampson
I think Chris was stupid and needed to find Jesus. Through the book it seems like he was always searching. I hate to say it but I wished his family pushed religion more on him. Its sad. Chris seemed like he had so much potential to do anything he could have ever wanted. shoot I wish i could have went to emory and had been as smart as he was. He had so much that people kill for and the fact that he threw it away so easily kind of upsets me.

Re: What do you think about Chris going into the wild?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:47 pm
by Wbhsjchang
I think Chris going into the wild was a brave thing. He was rebellious. He knew the consequences that came along his journey, but he took those chances because that's how he wanted to live. Most people would be too afraid to go. It takes a lot of courage for someone to go out on their own. I know I can never do it.