about the book

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about the book

Postby tabscorp2013 » Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:20 am

hi! so i read the book "into the wild" and absoultely loved it! i thought it was such an inspiring and interesting story! especially since i have never heard the story of chris before! the detail in the book was so clear that i could really picture it in my head. while i was reading this book it did make me wonder about certain things though, like what would posses chris to just pack up everything and head to alaska without notice to anyone? it really got me and my whole class thinking.because of reading this book i would really like to be able to go visit the alaskan wilderness. maybe even take a trip to see the bus with chris's plaque on it! this book gave me a amazing inside on how harsh the wilderness can be and that nature can over rule more easily than we thought! i would honestly recommend this book to anyone! it truely is a outstanding documentary! i just thought i would write to share my thoughts and questions on this book! thank you :) :-)

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