Chris: A PMI

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Chris: A PMI

Postby hmcdonald » Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:47 pm

The PMI stands for Plus, Minus and interesting; and we will look at these three things in relation too Chris and the book: Into the Wild.

Posotives first. I think that Chris's idea about transcending the world and living in his "idealistic paradise" was a very noble idea and and idea that is not usually achieved by the modern man. There must be heaps of people that have had contemplated putting this idea into action, and even more that have had this "idea" about ascetisism. But it took someone like Chris to put this dream into action.

Now, for the negatives. Chris was obviously naive and had blatently no idea about what he was doing. I can understand now, after reading the book, why so many holders of this "idealistic idea" have not put it into action. He had so much motivation but had no means and knowledge to put it into action. In more simple terms, Chris was ignorant, naive and had no respect for the power held by the Alaskan wilderness. Though i respect Chris for his nobleness and his motivation, I cant understand why he put his life into this situation without knowledge that, with it, he could have survived.

i find it interesting that he went into the wild when he had so much at home to build on. I really admire Chris for his ambition and his sheer, blatent perversity that led him boldly into the wild. Despite Chris's lack of knowledge and ignorance about the dangers in the wild, I will always respect him for boldly going where no man has been before, and at a time when no man ever would.


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Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:46 am

Re: Chris: A PMI

Postby robin » Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:49 am

Nice surprise about this shorter form. Can you tell us what it is you are talking/writing about?
Has any info. about this shorter form been posted before (and i just missed it)?

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