how did reading this alter your existence?

Here you can comment on the book 'Into The Wild' or any other book related to the story.
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Re: how did reading this alter your existence?

Postby austinj7 » Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:36 pm

Reading Into the Wild changed my view on nature and taught me life lessons. If you are planning to challenge yourself to live in the wild you must prepare. You have to know what you are putting at risk and if it will be worth it in the long run. I learned how thankful we should be for our gifts in life and how we should cherish every moment. Chris rejected his parents' lifestyle. He made a big decision giving away his college education and comfort for death and starvation in an abandoned bus in the middle of the woods in Alaska.

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Re: how did reading this alter your existence?

Postby conner95 » Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:37 pm

I dont't know if i am a terribly shallow person, but this book had no effect on me. I liked the book but really got nothing from it. I could not connect to any of it. I have never had things handed to me, and i have never wanted to run away and become some transient. The book made me feel sorry for him, only because i am sorry that his life took such a turn. People die all the time in the wild, he was another one. I did realize that I am not the only person wanting to reject this sick society. But again, the book did not affect me much.

Andrew Morgan
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Re: how did reading this alter your existence?

Postby Andrew Morgan » Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:36 pm

This book altered my life in that it gave me a good perspective on my future and how I want to live it. I looked at how Chris chose to live his and how it made him happy and I want to do the same. It also however influences me to be more prepared for whatever i plan to do in my life and to think about how my actions affect more than just me.

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Re: how did reading this alter your existence?

Postby muffinman127 » Fri Dec 21, 2012 6:46 pm

Re: how did reading this alter your existence?

How did this alter my existence? Well, I sure think about Chris differently, I no longer beleive hes crazy, throwing away his safe future for an uncertain path. It really shows that we humans are all about materialsm, we don't need cars, nice clothes, TV, etc. And Chris also proved we don't need eachother, or maybe i should say we dont need relationships. He knew that it would hurt the ones that cared for him, so he made sure that he kept every one he met at an arms length. Although he did seem to take a liking to Wayne Westerburg and Franz. All Chris really needed were the clothes on his back, food in his stomach and enough energy to get through the day. From now on, i will use less, buy less and share more. And if every one did this, perhaps the world wouldnt be so hectic.

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