There have been countless Chris's

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There have been countless Chris's

Postby Hurley » Fri Jan 19, 2018 9:59 pm

I have found that by reading 'Into thin air" and by watching many Youtube videos on Everest and K2 tragedies, that Chris's desires are no different than many others. I have planned my life off Chris's example and many others too. Chris may have lived off poets and philosophers, which is important as I do also, but never believe that he was foolish or dumb even if he was unprepared. Who is ever prepared for this hard life? Who wrote the book on preparedness? I used to ride motorcycles and have the injuries to prove it. Many think that foolish and yet, I had to ride because the feeling of near death cannot be explained. Why do people skydive, become police officers, airplane pilots, climb Everest and other peaks? Because we have to fulfill something inside of us that cannot be explained or rationalized to another who lives in a box, not even knowing that is their reality. The point of Chris is not that he died, but that he lived his life his way and had fun until he became sick and then died. And because he lived and died how he did, that inspires me as well as countless others on this rock. Life is too short and miserable to not make an adventure out of it. Go do it today before it's too late.

"Horatius" from the Lays of Ancient Rome by Lord Macaulay, 1842. "Oblivion" film, 2013. Then spake brave Horatius, the Captain of the Gate: "To every man upon this earth death cometh soon or late. And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his gods."

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