Book excerpts

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Book excerpts

Postby enelsonvball » Fri Nov 26, 2010 6:23 pm

As an English project I am having my students research the book "Into the Wild". They are looking for connections between the excerpts Krakauer chose to put at the start of each chapter and the book. Also, they need to research the authors and works the excerpts are from. Some of these are really hard to find information on. For example, Chapter 18, John M. Campbell, The Hungry Summer. Anyone have any leads?

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Re: Book excerpts

Postby bobenns » Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:01 am

That looks pretty obscure. Its not in the Library of Congress , so I'd say it is a small local written and published book from somewhere in Alaska or even Canada to do with Caribou mostly. Probably Eskimo hunters by the sound of it.

You might try to contact Krakauer through Random House and ask him. Some of these authors do reply.

Good Luck with that one.
There is no greater scripture than nature, for nature is life itself.

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Re: Book excerpts

Postby User1 » Sun Dec 26, 2010 6:57 pm

Hello all,

I got started with the subject of Chris's journey with the movie. First Sean's movie, then Ron Lamothe's documentary. I want to pick up the book by Jon Krakauer, but looks like there's two different issues,
Can someone enlighten me on the difference between the two issues? They list these issues as having the same amount of pages, 224, but I'm thinking they're different. I'm leaning towards getting the first "edition". The one with the bus in the snow. The later one is listed as having a movie tie-in. Does that mean it has everything the first edition has PLUS a tie-in?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

ISBN: 978-0-385-48680-4
ISBN: 978-0-307-38717-2

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